Both upcoming talks organised by the London Fortean Society are attracting a lot of interest. I've already been approached for a magazine interview and by a Radio 4 producer for a possible radio programme based on subterranean themes. Once more the details are
here for the talk next Wednesday at Conway Hall (sold out, but I shall be doing basically the same talk for the April event) and
here for the more ambitious event on Saturday 9th April (200 booked already) with Scott Wood, Gary Lachman and myself talking on the mysteries of the underground.
Attendees will have the opportunity to buy a signed and stamped copy of
Secret Tunnels of England: Folklore and Fact at a special cheap rate (at least 50% off cover price). As it keeps going out of stock on Amazon, it's probably easier (and cheaper) to get it directly from me. It's a limited edition of 400, half of which have already sold.