Very little happening here at the moment as all my free time is being spent writing the next book, which I want to be out by September. As far as Lord of Strange Deaths is concerned there have been so many false announcements of its appearance that I won't bother mentioning it any more - according to Amazon it's coming out in December this year. I have much more control over my present book which I'd say is two thirds completed - more news in a month or so.
Despite promising myself that I wouldn't do any events during the writing of the new book, I've agreed to one or two. The first, which should be very interesting, will be with Bradley Garrett details here under Salon No.24. As City Read has a subterranean theme it's likely that there will be a talk in April somewhere or other. Also a talk for the Dracula Society on Sax Rohmer, possibly in June.
Sad to hear of the death of Demis Roussos this week, my post on Aphrodite's Child here. Also the passing of Edgar Froese of Tangerine Dream - my first live concert was TD at Fairfield Halls Croydon 23rd October 1975, a memorable and very loud occasion.
Chris Miles’ East End
1 hour ago